poet and author

Canon fodder’s publication draws near

My new poetry collection, Canon Fodder: Poems Inspired by Classic Literature, is now available for pre-order on Kindle. It will be live along with the paperback and hardcover versions on January 1, 2021. I am very excited for this book to be in the world, and I hope those who enjoy reading poetry and literary fiction, will give the book a chance.

In the meantime, several more of the pieces from this book have found homes in publications.

Two pieces were published with Outcast Press!

Three poems were published with A Thin Slice of Anxiety!

One poem found its home with The Dead Mule of Southern Literature!

Two pieces were published with Misery Tourism!

And finally, two pieces were posted with ExPat Press!

There are also two more poems coinciding release with Slipstream Press in January that I do not have the link for as of yet. I extend my humble thanks to the editors of these journals for giving them a place to exist outside of my own imagination.

I also published my favorite piece from the collection, and my favorite poem I have ever written, on Medium. I could not get anyone to take it for publication, probably because it is ten pages long.

The early reviews and responses I have received from the beta readers of this collection have been extremely positive, as have been responses to the work I have put out at the various publications. I hope that this means the collection will be as positively received by everyone else who happens to check it out.

If you want more information about the book, please click the link at the top of this post and read the description to see if it might be of interest to you.


Thanks as always for allowing my voice to live in your head for these briefest of moments.


Published by Jay

But the dead do not remember and nothingness is not a curse.

Cormac mccarthy, suttree