poet and author

I Never Learn

Against my better judgment, I am releasing two new chapbooks into the wild.

The first is a series of poems I wrote dealing with the loss of my dad. It’s coming up on the one year anniversary of his death. I’m struggling to adjust to how this feels. I decided to honor his memory by releasing those poems in a collection, hoping maybe others might find them beneficial if they are going through similar circumstance.

The second book is one I worked on for quite a while dealing with my experiences in retail security and shoplifting. It contains observations about the motivations behind why people choose to steal, and the ramifications of choosing such a lifestyle. Things are not always as they seem, and sometimes people are victims of circumstance. I tried to not see this world as one of this vs that, but rather though a lens of empathy. The result is a collection of poetry that I feel works on a powerful level.

If you are interested, here are some sample poems from grief.

And here and here are some samples from thieves.

I hope you will give these books a chance. Thanks for your continued support of independent publishing.


Published by Jay

But the dead do not remember and nothingness is not a curse.

Cormac mccarthy, suttree