poet and author

NEW chapbook released and a new venture undertaken:

This week I released my second chapbook of poetry. It’s called Confessions of a Porn Addict. It’s 30 pages of poems dealing with desire, guilt, and human relationships. This collection was initially accepted by another press, but was withdrawn due to a misunderstanding with the contracts. I could not find another publisher to take it, so it becomes the second Crow Hollow Books title. I’m proud of this book and especially love the cover art, generously supplied by Martin de Pasquale.

Since I decided to go this route, I went ahead and plunged head first into another idea I’ve been weighing the pros and cons of for a while now. I got a domain and started the groundwork for Crow Hollow Books to begin publishing other writers. It seems I am capable of making decent books, using Amazon and SPD, and so why not help other writers get work out into the world? I’m also starting a quarterly journal, called Crow Hollow 19. Every quarter I will publish 19 works of bone-splitting poetry, poetry with such honesty it blisters the eyes. Submissions for the quarterly journal open August 1st. Since the theme of the journal revolves around Crows, each issue will be called a Murder. I hope to have a reading period for chapbooks in October. Stay tuned. This train is just getting rolling.


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Published by Jay

But the dead do not remember and nothingness is not a curse.

Cormac mccarthy, suttree